In accordance with a notification the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) issued about the submission of customs declarations, travellers are required to report all of the currency they are carrying.
The Federal Board of Revenue’s website travel guide states that there is no restriction on bringing in foreign currency to Pakistan. People are allowed to carry up to $10,000 USD in foreign currency.
It is forbidden to carry more than Rs 3,000 in Pakistani cash, and only Rs 500 can be taken into India.
In a notification sent to airlines on August 15, the CAA requested that they guarantee that the flight crew made an announcement on inbound flights asking passengers to submit a topic declaration that included their currency in accordance with FATF regulations.
The CAA has instructed the airline staff to hand out the declaration to every passenger throughout the journey, regardless of country.
Before going to the immigration offices at the international arrival, passengers must deposit the declaration at the customs counter.
Airlines have requested that travel agencies and staff be sure to request a copy of the declaration when purchasing tickets for outbound flights.
The CAA has given the airlines the directive to only issue boarding passes after the passengers have deposited the declaration.
In order to supervise and help the passengers at the designated facilitation desk inside the check-in hall, Pakistan Customs has also been requested to deploy personnel in addition to airline personnel.
After the trip has concluded, the airline will be responsible for gathering the declarations and delivering them to the customs officials together with the passenger manifest.