NCOC announces special Covid19 guidelines for Muhararam

With Muharram activities commencing on Tuesday, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) announced special guidelines to mitigate any chances of Covid19 spreading during the holy month.

The NCOC has stressed that all participants of majalis (gatherings) and juloos (processions) must ensure they wear a mask and maintain social distancing. The display of all coronavirus safety precautions in clearly visible places throughout the majalis venues and juloos routes. The NCOC has further said that there should be thermal scanners placed at the entrance of all public gatherings and that ample sanitisers and masks be available on site.

It has been stressed that all gatherings be held at large places that are well ventilated and that private gatherings at homes must be avoided. According to the NCOC, the administration may use the services of Razakars for the enforcement of coronavirus safety protocols, if needed.

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