Authorities in Karachi have announced a crackdown on kite sellers and flyers across the city, following a surge in incidents related to kite-flying activities. The decision comes after numerous reports of injuries caused by kite strings, prompting higher authorities to intervene.
Police officials have been instructed to actively participate in kite-flying and to take decisive action against individuals involved in selling or flying kites. Additional directives have been issued by the Inspector General (IG) Karachi through wireless communications to ensure the implementation of the crackdown.
The decision to crackdown on kite-related activities stems from concerns that similar incidents, as witnessed in Punjab, are increasingly occurring in Karachi. Authorities are determined to prevent any further harm or injuries caused by kite strings, prompting the decisive measures.
The crackdown aims to curb the sale and flying of kites across the city, with law enforcement agencies prepared to take stringent action against violators. The initiative reflects the authorities’ commitment to maintaining public safety and preventing any untoward incidents associated with kite-flying activities in Karachi.