Railway operations in Karachi disrupted over dues dispute with KE

Railway operations in Karachi disrupted over dues dispute with KE

Train services in Karachi faced severe disruptions as a dispute over outstanding dues between Pakistan Railways and K-Electric (KE) escalated.

Power supply to key railway installations was briefly disconnected, impacting 38 passenger trains and suspending the online ticket booking system.

According to Railways Divisional Superintendent Muhammad Nasir Khalili, the outage risked shutting down the automatic signaling system, jeopardizing the timely operation of passenger and freight trains.

He claimed KE owed Pakistan Railways (PR) approximately Rs70 billion in the past 10 years.

“In the last one year, K-Electric has not even paid the railways’ current dues of more than Rs1 billion,” Mr Khalili said a final notice had been issued to K-Electric.

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“If K-Electric does not pay its monthly dues, the Pakistan Railways will also stop paying K-Electric’s bills,” he added.

On the other hand, KE alleged Pakistan Railways had defaulted on Rs430 million since May 2024

The KE spokesperson stated that the power company earlier served notices to the railways and the defaulting connections were disconnected on multiple occasions.

The power supply to railway installations was disconnected, which was quickly restored after railway authorities assured KE of clearing dues and ensuring timely payments.

However, a KE spokesperson accused Pakistan Railways of repeatedly dishonoring payment commitments, warning of indefinite disconnections if dues remained unpaid.

“Despite accommodating the Pakistan Railways, these commitments have been dishonored time and again,” he added.

Source: Dawn News

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