Karachi police to respond emergency calls in 9 minutes

Karachi police is all set to reorganize as it plans to base its emergency response mechanism in accordance with international standards.

Speaking to local media, Deputy inspector general (DIG) Maqsood Memon commented on the improved reorganization of the Madadgar Command Control (MCC-15) which works with various police units from Security and Emergency Division.

The MCC-15 now responds to all emergency calls in nine minutes as compared to the earlier thirty-minute record, he added. It is responsible for responding to all security calls such as keeping street crime in check, information gathering, snap checking, pursuit of criminals and coordinating with the other emergency services within the city.

Multiple measures have been taken to improve the performance of the MCC-15 which includes giving the officers access to identity verification system (IVS) for CNIC authentication, to the vehicle verification system (VVS), to the criminal record verification (CRV) of suspects, surveillance of persons released from jails and etc. These facilities are likely to facilitate the police officers in their jobs.

This includes major additions to the police system such as recruiting 1100 more police personnel, about 40 police mobiles to respond to emergency calls, seven deployment centers in Karachi with biometric verification facilities, 15 police mobiles working 24/7 and increase in staff in the IT department as well.

Dig Maqsood Memon all stated that there are plans to equip these officers with modern gadgets which include mobile tablets, security cameras, and wireless communication and tracking systems which will further improve their efficiency.

Maqsood Memon added that the main purpose of the changes was to ensure that the deployment and emergency units were collaborating together to ensure the safety of the citizens. He added that an emergency services response training is also required.

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