Electricity prices in Karachi expected to rise by Rs 5.65 per unit

Residents of Karachi may soon experience a hike in electricity prices as K Electric has applied for an increase of Rs 5.65 per unit. This proposed increase would impose an additional burden of Rs 747 million on the consumers in Karachi.

The application submitted by K Electric seeks to raise prices through monthly and quarterly adjustments. For the monthly adjustment in April, a rise of 48 paise per unit has been requested.

In addition, K Electric has also requested an increase of Rs 5.17 paise per unit for the January-March quarterly adjustment.

The Nepra Authority (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority) is scheduled to review K Electric’s applications on May 31. The decision made by Nepra regarding the price increase will significantly impact the electricity bills of consumers in Karachi.

It is important for consumers to stay informed about these developments and understand the potential impact on their electricity expenses. Stay tuned for updates on the Nepra Authority’s decision and its implications for electricity prices in Karachi.

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