Citizens may be unable to evade power cuts during Eid days

Citizens of Karachi might not get relief from load shedding even on  Eidul Fitr. 

A spokesman for the power utility said: “KE’s production capacity is also being affected due to a shortage of fuel. To manage the situation, 2 hours of load management is being undertaken. The situation is expected to improve following a decrease in commercial activity during Eid.”

According to the new schedule, different localities of the city will face a two-hour loadsheding ahead of Eidul Fitr in addition to the routine power outages.

According to reports, the country has been facing a worst energy crisis for the last few weeks and now the power shortfall has reached 7,468MW with total power generation standing 18,031MW and demand at over 25,000MW.

The city has been experiencing worst power outages especially during Ramzan as most of the areas still remain without electricity for hours.

The situation had aggravated last week after the power supply from the national grid to Karachi had been curtailed by 300MW.

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