Excise, customs clash over illegal number plates in Karachi

In an ongoing crackdown on illegal number plates and tax evaders, Karachi’s Excise and Taxation Department stopped several vehicles used by customs officers in Karachi.

During a road-checking campaign, excise officials stopped multiple vehicles bearing government number plates.

In response, customs officers inside the vehicles called for backup, which escalated the tensions between two parties.

When a senior customs officer arrived at the scene to retrieve a seized vehicle, officials from both departments reportedly pushed each other, and the senior officer managed to drive away the vehicle.

Deputy Director Excise and Taxation Danish Mahmood stated that using official number plates on tampered vehicles is illegal, and such vehicles will be confiscated.

He also warned that legal action would be taken against any misconduct.

However, Deputy Collector Customs Raza Ali defended the customs officers, arguing that excise officials should not have stopped their vehicles.

He claimed that customs officers are legally allowed to use tampered vehicles, with official letters issued for their use.

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