Karachi is facing a concerning surge in street crime, with incidents of residents being murdered for resisting mugging attempts becoming a common occurrence. This highlights the failure of the police and Rangers in controlling this issue. According to data from the Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC), over 21,000 cases have been reported in the first three months of the year, with the number of unreported cases likely to be double that. Robbers have killed 34 people and injured over 150 others, and countless CCTV footage of muggings is circulating on social media. The data shows that most of those killed were young residents, and District Central was the most affected. Last year, over 81,000 incidents were reported, with robbers stealing 52,000 motorbikes and 26,400 phones, and killing 100 people. Despite measures such as forming the Shaheen Force, the residents have lost confidence in the law enforcement department as the situation continues to deteriorate. The police believe that all relevant departments need to work together to control the issue, and encounters with robbers have been increasing, but so have the number of street criminals, leading to an increase in street crime incidents.