Watch out for these possibily scam housing societies while investing your life savings

While investing your money in cooperative housing societies for residential or other purposes in Karachi’s Gadap Town, Malir Town, Gulzar-e-Hijri or Gulshan-e-Maymar, make sure no one swindles your lifetime worth of fortune.

There are some 69 of about 200 cooperative housing societies that haven’t been green-lighted via legal means of relevant official authorities, however, they still continue to deal customers and sweep in their millions of investments.

Their status is “suspended” at the SBCA as their layout plans haven’t been approved by the Cooperative Housing Societies Registrar.

These housing societies are:

Allahabad CHS

APP Employees CHS

CP and Berar CHS

Evacuee Trust Property Employees CHS

Firdous CHS

Ablagh-e-Aama Cooperative Housing Society

AGS Employees Cooperative Housing Society

Ahsanabad Cooperative Housing Society

Gulistan-e-Zarrin CHS

Gulshan-e-Jiwan CHS

Muslamanan-e-Punjab CHS

Pakistan Aircrew CHS

Qureshi Cooperative Housing Society

Al-Rizwan Cooperative Housing Society

Rub Razi CHS

Saadabad CHS

Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation CHS

Pakistan Council of Scientific CHS

PIA Employees CHS

PIDC Employees Multipurpose CHS

Quetta Town CHS

Shah Wilayat CHS

Sindh Provincial Employees CHS

Sultanabad CHS

Al-Ghaffar Nagori CHS

Atiba CHS (Bostan Heights)

Bagh-e-Yousuf CHS

Barlas Moon City CHS

Bhopal Homes CHS

Television Employees CHS

Al-Falah Cooperative Housing Society (Malir Halt)

The Alfalah Cooperative Housing Society

Al Madina CHS, Al Manzar CHS

Al-Ahmed CHS

Burhani Garden CHS

Burhani Town CHS

Gulshan-e-Quddus (Al Azim) CHS

Gulshan-e-Surjani CHS

Gulshan-e-Taufeeq CHS

Humair Town CHS

Chapal Cooperative Housing Society

Chapal Luxury Villas-I, II and III CHS

The General Construction Cooperative Housing Society

Gulshan-e-Bilal CHS

Jamiyat Punjabi Suadagaran CHS

Merry Land (Garden City) CHS

Mnasmr (Heaven Pride) CHS

Modern Developers CHS

Mominabad Phase-II CHS

Javedan (Naya Nazimabad) CHS

Karim Town (Gulshan-e-Ellahi) CHS

Khayaban-e-Muhammad CHS

KN Gohar Green City CHS

Marina Garden CHS

Pakistan Steel (Gulshan-e-Hadeed) CHS

Pearl Villas CHS

PS City Phase I&II CHS

Shahmir Residency CHS

Gulshan-e-Shiraz CHS

Rafi Pride-II CHS

Ruknuddin Khan CHS

Safari Associates CHS

Saima Green Valley CHS

Saudabad Colony Trust CHS

Sherwani Royal City CHS

The South Construction CHS

The Pak Construction Cooperative Housing Society

The SBCA information technology director Asma Ghayoor recently told a local media outlet that the Authority has a proper e-portal system, which is linked to all the land owning agencies of the metropolis.

She’s reported to have said when the building plan of any plot comes to the Single Window Facility for approval, the SBCA wants the verification of its layout plan by the Master Plan Department of the relevant land-owing agency along with the name of the person it has been allotted to.

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