Newly ousted ex prime minister Imran Khan has told followers to wait for his call for another massive rally in Islamabad.
"Lahore … thank you! No matter how much I thank it can never be enough,” former Prime Minister Imran Khan said in his opening remarks.
“I knew you would not disappoint me. I’ve never addressed such a big crowd.”
The former prime minister continued: "Now you know what a selected government is. It is placed atop after being selected from abroad and is afraid of elections. I, in any situation, will not accept this government.”
He then continued to claim that his government was thrown out of power due to pursuing an independent foreign policy for Pakistan, which he said was not liked by international powers.
He accused global forces of colluding with local "Mir Jaffars and Mir Sadiqs among others” to end his government at a time "when the economy was shooting, the exports were record high — and all of this at a time when the coronavirus was wreaking havoc.”
Khan explained the cablegate issue, repeating his allegation of US Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asia Donald Lu threatening Pakistan’s ambassador to the US that Khan must be ousted from the power to get back in American good books.
"What crime had we committed that it warranted forgiving? Was it that we went to Russia? Or that we said we won’t give military bases? Remember Lahore where they got these bad habits from. Why don’t they ask the same of India?”
The PTI chairman said his government was conspired against at a time when it was on the cusp of "breaking the shackles of the IMP”.
Khan defended the Toshakhana scandal against him, saying that everything he bought back was on record. He said the money gained from the sale of gifts he retained were used to mend roads leading up to his residence, which are also used by the general public.