The Sindh Livestock Department has created a vaccine for lumpy skin disease (LSD), which will significantly reduce the expense associated with importing vaccine for cattle infected with a lethal virus.
Lumpy skin disease is a viral illness that primarily affects cattle and costs farmers significantly less money because the infected animals produce less milk and gain less weight.
The vaccine was created by Dr. Nazir Hussain, Director General (DG), Sindh Livestock Department.
He claimed that four million vaccine doses, each costing Rs250, were imported from Turkey following the outbreak.
The locally developed vaccine will only cost Rs 10 to Rs 15 per dose compared to imported vaccine.
Dr. Nazir continued, "Turkey, Russia, Jordan, and South Africa are working on a vaccine for the illness.
It is pertinent to note that Vector-borne, transboundary disease started emerging late in Sindh in 2021.
As per statistics, of nine million cattle in Sindh, 3.9 million have now been vaccinated.