Karachi Mayor vows action against road defacers, emphasizes beautification project

The newly elected Mayor of Karachi, Murtaza Wahab, has expressed his determination to take action against those who deface roads by putting up banners and advertisements that mar the cleanliness and aesthetics of the area.

During the foundation ceremony of the beautification and restoration project of Shahrah-e-Faisal, Murtaza Wahab highlighted the detrimental impact of posters and slogans painted on walls, stating that they tarnish the overall appearance of the area. He emphasized the need to maintain a clean and pleasing environment.

Wahab acknowledged that Shahrah-e-Faisal had previously suffered from poor conditions, but the government took decisive steps to improve the drainage system. New drains were installed at various locations, ensuring that rainwater does not accumulate on the road during recent spells.

The beautification and improvement project for Shahrah-e-Faisal has been allocated a budget of approximately Rs20 crore and is expected to be completed within one year. Wahab emphasized that the road will be free from any political party flags, ensuring a neutral and inclusive environment.

In a stern warning, the Mayor cautioned road defacers that action would be taken against them. This commitment to maintaining cleanliness and beauty reflects the determination of the Karachi administration to enhance the city’s aesthetics and ensure a pleasant experience for residents and visitors alike.

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