Karachi Doctor fined Rs2.5lac for selling fraudulent diet plan to woman

The consumer court has ordered a doctor to pay a plaintiff Rd2.5lac after his mother, who had gone to the said doctor, fell ill instead of losing weight after using one of the doctor’s prescribed diet plans.

According to the plaintiff, Abdul Jabbar Leghari, he took his mother to a doctor because she was going through obesity. The doctor then gave his mother a diet plan for Rs 38,000, guaranteeing that she would lose 10kgs over the course of a month. However, the plaintiff’s mother fell ill with her stomach getting tremors and palpitations due to following the doctor’s prescribed diet. This not only caused monetary loss to the plaintiff but also physical mental and emotional distress to his mother.

As a result, the plaintiff brought the case to consumer court where a judge awarded him Rs2.5lac as compensation, ordering the doctor to make the payment.


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