World AIDs Day: Over 200,000 cases reported in Pakistan

World AIDs Day Pakistan

As the world marks World AIDS Day, alarming statistics reveal that over 200,000 people in Pakistan are living with the HIV virus. The day aims to raise awareness about this life-threatening disease and its prevention.

According to international data from 2023, nearly 40 million people worldwide are infected with AIDS, with Pakistan accounting for 210,000 of those cases, as reported by the Independent Urdu.

Among them, 41,000 are women, 170,000 are men, and 4,600 are children under 15. In 2023 alone, AIDS-related deaths in Pakistan ranged between 11,000 and 13,000.

During an interview with the media, a resident of Swat Valley disclosed that he got the virus due to drug addiction, sharing syringes, and using blades for self-harm.

In Swat, the Family Healthcare Center registered 105 new HIV cases in the past year, bringing the total to 300 cases under treatment.

Clinical psychologist Shakil-ur-Rehman from the Save Group of Teaching Hospital stated that extramarital relationships and drug addiction, especially the reuse of syringes, are the primary causes of the virus’s spread.

Efforts to curb the spread include raising awareness about prevention and treatment, but challenges remain in addressing stigma and providing resources for affected individuals.

Source: The Independent Urdu

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