Sindh police inspector removed from post for seeking permission to fight in Palestine

In response to escalating violence in Gaza due to Israel’s ground invasion, an inspector of the Sindh Police, Fayaz Ahmed Janwari, has been removed from his post after seeking permission to fight alongside Hamas in Palestine. The inspector, stationed at Investigation-II City South Zone in Karachi, submitted a letter to the provincial Inspector General of Police, Riffat Mukhtar Raja, on October 13.

In the letter, Inspector Janwari expressed his commitment to contribute physically to the ongoing Jihad declared by Hamas against Israel. He also pledged to donate 10% of his salary to the Al-Khidmat Foundation for the Palestine relief operation. The letter sought permission from the IG to participate and contribute to the conflict.

Following the submission of the letter, District South DIG Asad Raza announced that Inspector Janwari had been removed from his post due to the violation of rules. The act of seeking permission to fight in a foreign conflict was deemed inappropriate, leading to the inspector’s removal.

It is worth noting that Pakistan, in response to Israel’s continuous airstrikes and ground offensive against Palestinians, denounced the relentless bombardment and blockade of Gaza. Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbasi Jillani condemned the siege, highlighting the humanitarian crisis and likening it to a “genocide.” The statement reflects Pakistan’s concerns about the worsening situation in Gaza and its impact on the civilian population.

Key Points:

  1. Inspector’s Letter: Inspector Fayaz Ahmed Janwari sought permission to fight in Palestine alongside Hamas, expressing his commitment to physically contribute to the ongoing conflict.

  2. Pledge and Donation: The inspector pledged to donate 10% of his salary to the Al-Khidmat Foundation for the Palestine relief operation.

  3. Removal from Post: District South DIG Asad Raza announced that Inspector Janwari had been removed from his post due to the violation of rules, citing the inappropriate nature of seeking permission to participate in a foreign conflict.

  4. Pakistan’s Condemnation: Pakistan condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza, denouncing the continuous airstrikes, bombing, and blockade. The country equated the unfolding humanitarian crisis with a “genocide.”

The removal of the inspector reflects the sensitivity surrounding individuals seeking to participate in foreign conflicts, emphasizing adherence to rules and regulations within the police force.

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