The Henley Passport Index, a reputable monitor of the world’s most travel-friendly passports since 2006, has unveiled its latest rankings for 2023. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s passport has been ranked as the fourth worst in the world, providing its citizens with visa-free access to only 33 countries out of 227.
In contrast, Singapore has claimed the top spot as the most powerful passport in the world, enabling its citizens to travel visa-free to an impressive 192 destinations out of 227.
For the first time in five years, Japan has been knocked off its throne and now shares third place with other passport holders from Austria, Finland, France, Luxembourg, South Korea, and Sweden. All these countries offer their citizens visa-free access to 190 destinations.
Meanwhile, Germany, Italy, and Spain have moved up and secured the second position with visa-free travel to 190 countries as well.
The United Kingdom also experienced a positive turn after six years of decline, climbing two places in the rankings and now stands at the 4th spot. These rankings are a reflection of the travel opportunities and privileges offered to citizens by their respective passports.