Karachi Zoo elephant Noor Jehan in pain as health condition continues to deteriorate

An elephant in the Karachi Zoo is finding it difficult to survive with pain in her joints.

Despite surgery last year, Noor Jehan has worsened with no hope in sight.

Zoo officials, on the other hand, claim the elephant is being treated for her pain. The officials added the zoo was looking for interaction with the foreign animal rights group and soon, Four Paws – a global rights group – would visit the zoo.

Meanwhile, Marina Ivanova, project manager of Four Pawas, said while treatment is being offered to the elephant, the care she is being provided is not enough as she needs a natural environment where her suffering and trauma could automatically alleviate.

Previously, the Four Paws suggested to the Zoo authorities the elephant should be moved to the Safari Park because it was suffering from noise pollution and lack of a healthy environment.

Noor Jehan’s quarter at the Karachi Zoo consists of a muddy yard and a small cage. The animal is being used by Zoo authorities to give rides to children for Rs20. The space is barren — no shrubs, trees or watering holes.

Elephants, like humans, are social animals and live in herds. However, Noor Jehan has lived her life with just one other fellow elephant.

The Paws chief mentioned that the basic five universal freedoms for animals should be given to the elephants. This includes a life that is full of choices about when, where and how they sleep, eat, bathe, socialise and spend their waking hours.

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