Karachi drops from 6th to 70th on Crime Index, tells IG Police

In a briefing to the cabinet on Tuesday, Inspector General (IG) of Police stated that since 2014 Karachi had dropped down from sixth place to the 70th in the World Crime Index, suggesting that peace was prevalent in the city.

The report on the activities of the police in Karachi pointed out a reduction in protests against the department. In 2019, only one case of a protest was recorded, as compared to the six instances of objections in 2018 as said by IG. This suggested the improvement in the workings of the police.

The official gave a further breakdown of the occurrences of street crimes in Karachi during the current year.

The official said that kidnapping incidents had reduced by 87% within the city. A total of 317 gangs were busted in Karachi, while another 621 criminals had been arrested leading to a reduction in street crimes.  Most of these criminals are drug addicts, unemployed or involved in illegal methods of earning, he added.

IG stated that the major concern was the lack of reports registered by the police as people usually do not lodge a complaint. Last week there had been 1063 complaints but only 14 plaintiffs agreed to lodge the First Information Report. Hence, many robberies go unreported and unchecked.

Speaking on traffic rules, he added that 1056580 drivers had broken the rules in the last year. This had led to a collection of 766 million rupees.

In addition to this, 12946 complaints on various issues such as domestic violence, harassment and complaints against the police had been received.

The IG said that 90% of the problems had been solved. 

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