Diarrhoea on the rise in Karachi as city boils

Hot and dry weather conditions have been prevailing in Karachi, leading to a sudden rise in diarrhoeal diseases especially in children.

The reports of these cases has prompted health experts to issue a warning to advise the general public to drink boiled water and take extra preventive measures.

The health experts believe that the changing weather conditions are giving a rise to diarrhoea mainly among children. They warned that the major shift in the temperature had caused serious rise in number of patients.

The emerging situation pushed the health administration and authorities to raise alarm and advise Karachiites for precaution.

Child health expert Dr Azhar Chughtai has described the change in the weather as one of the major causes behind the growing number of different diseases recently. “Due to change in weather conditions, respiratory infections and viruses are leading to diarrhoea,” he said.

Meanwhile, the department of infection prevention and hospital epidemiology (DIPHE) of the Aga Khan University Hospital has also issued an “Infection alert: diarrhoeal illness”.

The hospital shared details of recent surge in diarrhoea suggesting different tips to avoid maximum damage. “Over the last three to four weeks we are seeing an increase in the number of patients presenting with diarrhoea from the community. This includes a cholera-like illness, leading to severe dehydration and kidney shut down,” it said.

“Only drink boiled water. Water should be fully boiled for at least one minute. Use different cutting boards for meat. Wash hands with soap and water immediately after handling meat. Thoroughly wash any fruits or vegetables which will be eaten raw without peeling. Rinse with drinking water after washing,” it said.

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