Cheques distributed among affectees of Karachi Red Line BRT

TransKarachi — the company established and owned by the government of Sindh to carry out the project implementation of the Karachi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Red Line — recently hosted a Cheque Distribution Ceremony to provide resettlement compensation to small businesses and vendors whose businesses have been impacted by the project before the cut-off date. 

The government of Sindh commenced construction work of the landmark project with a vision to provide quality public transit facilities to the people of Karachi earlier in March this year.

Following the construction phase, TransKarachi also issued a Traffic Diversion Plan so the public can use alternative routes with ongoing construction work between Tank Chowk and Safoora Chowrangi.

The Cheque Distribution Ceremony was held on the 30th of March 2022 at the construction site located near Jinnah Avenue. Several small business owners and vendors attended the Ceremony to receive their compensation cheques.

Present at the occasion from TransKarachi were Mr Wasif Ijlal, the CEO, Pir Sajjad Sarhindi, Implementation Manager, Mr Attaullah Athar, Manager, Environment and Social Safeguards as well as management team members from the company and the contracting party.

While distributing cheques, the CEO of TransKarachi Mr Wasif Ijlal said, “TransKarachi, takes deep pride in initiating this project for the people of Karachi.

Once constructed, the Karachi Red Line BRT will directly benefit 1.5 million people and provide a state-of-the-art transport system that is fast, affordable, comfortable and safe. 

The project will also create thousands of jobs which will help facilitate the economy of Pakistan.

Out support to you does not end here, this is your project, and we will continue to support you and your families in other ways to ensure a smooth transitioning journey for your livelihood earning and restoration.

The $504 million Karachi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Red Line project is sponsored by the Government of Sindh, with financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and co-financiers, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the French Agency for Development (AFD), and the Green Climate Fund (GCF).

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