CM Sindh urges fast-tracking of Karachi’s foreign-assisted projects

CM Sindh Karachi projects

The Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah has called for the timely completion of foreign-funded development projects, prioritizing Karachi’s urban transformation, agricultural modernization, and renewable energy initiatives.

Chairing a progress review meeting at CM House, the chief minister directed relevant secretaries to deliver bi-weekly updates, ensuring strict accountability.

He stressed personal monitoring by ministers and secretaries, shifting progress reporting from project directors to department secretaries.

The Competitive and Livable City of Karachi (CLICK) initiative, worth Rs 62.3 billion, has utilized Rs 14.3 billion to date.

Karachi Municipal Corporation (KMC) oversees $13 million in ongoing schemes, while Town Municipal Corporations have 32 projects valued at $14.7 million, set to begin shortly.

READ: Karimabad underpass: CM Sindh asks completion deadlines for projects in Karachi

Significant steps were reported initiated in waste management, with contracts awarded to Chinese firms for new garbage transfer stations and a landfill site at Jam Chakro, while mobilization of machinery is already underway.

The Sindh Solar Energy Project, supported by the World Bank with Rs 27.4 billion investment, is progressing towards establishing sustainable energy solutions.

In agriculture, the Rs 70.4 billion Water & Agriculture Transformation (SWAT) Project has trained farmers in modern techniques like raised bed sowing and crop rotation.

Flood recovery remains a top priority. Under the $48.4 billion Emergency Flood Assistance Project, Sindh is rebuilding 773.71 kilometers of roads, with 35.5 percent completed.

The CM directed the completion of key roads in Thatta, Badin, Umerkot, and Mirpurkhas by year-end.

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