IDEAS 2024: These roads to remain ‘close’ in Karachi

IDEAS 2024 Karachi roads close

Police released a traffic plan announcing several roads to remain close in Karachi from 7 am to 7 pm as part of enhanced security measures for IDEAS 2024 – The International Defence Exhibition and Seminar.

The traffic plan, released by the police, outlines significant diversions for both public and commercial vehicles.

The National Stadium Flyover along with other roads leading to Hassan Square will remain completely closed for vehicles.

Additionally, the police placed restrictions on heavy and commercial vehicles to enter from Shahrah-e-Faisal to Karsaz Road, while allowing to should use the Shahrah-e-Faisal to Drigh Road route instead.

Heavy and commercial traffic will not be allowed on the routes from Nipa to Hassan Square and Jail Chowrangi to Hassan Square.

Alternate Routes:

Heavy traffic can use Shahra-e-Faisal to Drig Road to Nipa and proceed via Shaheed-e-Millat Road or Teen Hatti Road.

Traffic from Liaquatabad No. 10 will be redirected towards Teen Hatti via designated routes.

The traffic police have urged commuters to follow the alternative routes to minimize inconvenience and ensure a smooth flow of traffic during the event.

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